Restricting your kids' food is going to backfire explains New York Times' Tara Parker Pope.
A thoughtful New York Times Mark Bittman piece on comfort food, bagels and lux, and worries for comfort food's future.
Science Based Medicine's Marc Crislip has some crisp words about the value of Cochrane Reviews including, "There was a time when I was under the impression that the conclusions of a Cochrane review were of value. No more. Now I see one and a roll my eyes. What kind of Food Babian nonsense is this one going to have?".
My friend, colleague, and perhaps the most pumped physician in history Spenser Nadolsky on Precision Nutrition details his experiences as a low-carber undertaking an n=1 personal high carb experiment.
And with the must-read piece of the week it's Brooke: Not on a Diet, and her refusal to put on a shirt for Shape magazine.