Saturday, November 18, 2017

Saturday Stories: Gene Drives x 2, and The Uncounted

By Mariuswalter (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Ed Yong, in The Atlantic, on how New Zealand's war on rats might change the world (and not necessarily for the best).

Carl Zimmer, in The New York Times, on why scientists believe gene drives (like the one discussed in Ed Yong's article) are too risky to employ.

Azmat Khan and Anand Gopal, also in The New York Times, with an incredible piece of journalism on the accuracy, or lack thereof, of America's bombing of ISIS.

And lastly, if you enjoy my blog, please consider a donation to my Movember fundraising for men's health initiatives. Thanks to the generosity of friends, family and readers, I'm 91% of the way to my $3,500 goal. You can give anonymously and it's fully tax deductible. Just click here! No donation is too small.