So St. Catherine's City Council, presumably in a bid to be environmentally conscious, has banned the sale of bottled water in city facilities.
As to what will replace the bottled water, and what will still be on sale?
Bottled actual soda, bottled diet-soda, bottled flat vitamin fortified soda (juice), and bottled sugar sweetened water (sport drinks and flavoured waters).
So no decrease in plastic bottle sales, and all at the expense of the healthiest beverage they'd previously been selling.
And this isn't a one-off apparently. According to the article written about St. Catherines' decision, similar water bottle bans exist in Niagara Falls, London, Burlington and Toronto.
Reminds me of a guest post here from a few years ago that spoke to the short-sighted war on bottled water which somehow manages to forget, sugar water also comes in bottles, and it's a lot worse for your health.
[Thanks to Mandy Robb Kasper for sending my way]