Wow, never thought I'd utter those words!
Today Disney issued a press release stating that by 2008 it will have placed voluntary limits on trans fats, added sugars and remarkably calories in not only its theme parks but also its licensed and promotional products.
This is fairly remarkable stuff considering Disney has a very lengthy history of helping sell fast foods, sugared cereals and more and they have capitalized for literally decades on the inherent trust with their brand name.
Kelly Brownell, in his excellent book Food Fight (linked on the sidebar), recounts a story one of his colleagues told him about their four-year-old daughter at the supermarket seeing Betty Crocker's Disney Princess Fruit Snacks with Cinderalla, Snow White and the Little Mermaid on the box.
Daughter: "I Want that."Bottom line, Disney's got a lot of clout in the Supermarket.
Mother: "What is it?"
Daughter: "I don't know."
Good on ya Disney.