Oh the hypocrisy.
An article in the New York times last month discussed the odd coupling of Rachael Ray (celebrity Food Network chef) with Bill Clinton's Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
The Alliance's mission?
"To eliminate childhood obesity and to inspire all young people in the United States to develop lifelong, healthy habits."On the Alliance's homepage as I type this is a picture of Clinton laughing with Rachael.
Rachael should be the one laughing, one of those evil cartoon villain I pulled the wool over the good guys' faces laughs, because Rachael's other other job is being a corporate shill for.....wait for it....Dunkin' Donuts.
In Dunkin' Donutss press release announcing Rachael as their new brand representative, Dunkin' Donuts' Brand President Robert Rodriguez has a lovely quote,
"Rachael's philosophy of creating quality meals quickly and without pretense for busy people living busy lives is the same driving force behind the Dunkin' Donuts brand."Well I guess it's true that donuts are quick and without pretense, but meals?
What does Rachael have to say,
"Me, I don’t want to talk about obesity. I want to talk about how fun healthy food is, period."Donuts sure are healthy - they are a perfect fit for fostering the lifelong healthy habits the Alliance is hoping to instill in America's children.
Brilliant move Bill.

[Hat Tip to Jack from Fork and Bottle and bottom picture to Gallery of the Absurd]