12 Days of Resolutions. 12 resolutions that will help steer you towards a healthier lifestyle, whether you've got weight you'd like to lose or not. 12 resolutions that are each in and of themselves extremely straight forward and doable. Some might involve doing, others simply thinking, and if any of them don't seem useful to you, skip on to the next.Day 12: YOU!
Is there anyone more neglected by you in your life than yourself?
I know it's cliché, but truly, if you take better care of yourself, you'll likely be better able to take care of those you love.
It may mean asking your family members to pick up some slack around the house. It may mean dropping some volunteer positions that are taking up too much of your time. It may mean organizing a car pool. It may mean carving out some 'you' time from a weekly schedule filled with everyone else. It may mean spending a few dollars on higher quality foods, exercise equipment or new walking shoes. It may mean asking your spouse to look after the kids while occasionally go dancing with your friends.
Whatever it takes, this year resolve to ensure that you not only take care of those who you love around you, but that you also take care of yourself.
You deserve it, and if you don't look out for yourself, who will?
Make this the first of many years of you.