Monday, July 27, 2015

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's Disgraceful Fundraising

As far as junk food fundraising goes, I don't think there are any health charities worse than the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

While in the past they've been quick to defend their sale of some of the junk food world's least healthful choices by reminding critics that they are a charity supporting type 1 diabetes - an autoimmune disease - and not type 2 diabetes, I don't give a flying hoot. Selling illness in the name of health isn't something a health charity should be involved with, let alone a charity who regardless of the etiology of their cause's illness, should assuredly know better than to promote, permit, and encourage the sale and consumption of huge boluses of sugar.

So what has the JDRF sold to date? Pictorially here are three recent campaigns:

And now, on the backs of Mega-Jugs of Pepsi at KFC, Frosties at Wendy's, and deep-fried cheesecake at Denny's comes two other new-to-me initiatives.

There's the annual Root Beer Float Day for the JDRF with the Oakland Athletics (thanks Matt Poulton)

And then there's this one. Honestly, I'm still struggling to believe it's real, but it is. It comes from JDRF Australia where they have a "Jelly Babies Month" for the JDRF.

What are these Jelly Babies that the JDRF suggests you:
  • Place a box at work, in reception or in the staff room for your colleagues
  • Take a box to Saturday sport, the kids will love the Jelly Babies lollies after playing a hard game
  • Ask your local shops to place a box on their counter for their customers.
  • Consider your local bakery, butcher, chemist, supermarket or even the gym!
  • Ask your local club, like your sporting club, surf club, bushwalking club or book club to put a box on display for all members
  • Use Facebook to let your friends know that you are selling Jelly Babies lollies with natural colours and flavours
Well, they're candies. Literally.

Candies which by weight are 74% sugar, with each tiny Jelly Baby (they appear to be slightly larger than a gummy bear in size) packing more than a teaspoon of the stuff.

So once again I have to point out that it's time we put an end to junk food fundraising.