I was close yesterday though.
It was yesterday that I learned of a long-standing Emory University tradition. Apparently, unabashedly, and transparently, in part no doubt consequent to the $105 million endowment provided to Emory by a former Coca-Cola CEO, and in part no doubt due to the reported fact that 16% of Emory's $6.3 billion endowment fund is made up of Coca-Cola stock (down from 63% in 1998 and 47% in 2002), all first year Emory University students are brought together as they start school to toast their futures with a Coca-Cola beverage.
And just as Coca-Cola notes in their own coverage of this
""To our rebirth!”—three words, two memories, and a new Coke connection that will forever live in their hearts and minds."It'll be interesting to see what Emory chooses to do about their Coca-Cola ties over time. I'm guessing history will eventually see them as rather unwise.
And to round things off, here are some videos from