Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday Stories

Welcome to a new feature on Weighty Matters - Saturday Stories. It'll be a collection of links to stories that I thought were noteworthy throughout the week that was.

Grab your mug of coffee and click away.

  • Matt Gurney's National Post column on the HST fast food exemption.

  • Fooducate on whether or not kids should really be served "kids food".

  • Australia's Sydney Morning Herald on the why funding aspiring Olympic athletes is likely a waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere.

  • San Francisco Chronicle on how reading this blog and surfing the net may lead you to "aquired attention deficit disorder".

  • Lastly here's a brief video from one of my favourite researchers, Dr. Brian Wansink, describing some holiday eating strategies (email subscribers you've got to head to the blog to watch the video):
