Tuesday, October 09, 2012

YMCA Stepping Up for Health in Ottawa

I have to admit it, when we were first approached by the YMCA here in Ottawa to discuss a partnership I wasn't too sure. For whatever reason I associated the YMCA with for lack of a better descriptor - discount fitness.

Boy was I shocked when I actually popped by.

The facilities were spectacular, truly top-rate equipment, clean, spacious and most importantly, welcoming.

The YMCA isn't like some other fitness facilities - it's terrifically inclusive and doesn't give off the elitist vibe that some gyms might.  Amazingly too, the YMCA is truly for everyone in that there's no such thing as not being able to afford it as they have the means to assess need, and if need be, offer their services freely.

I blogged a few weeks ago about the incredible free program the Y is offering Grade 6 students.  Today I'd like to highlight the exercise prescription pads they whipped up for us. Simply put, they're prescription pads that can be used by any health care provider to extend to their patient a one week free pass to the Y. No strings. No obligations. And they created the program and pads consequent to a simple discussion with us where we suggested they might be useful to local physicians.

We'll be giving them out at our trenchtalks Ottawa event tomorrow, but if you're a health care provider in Ottawa and you'd like a pad or two for your practice, just give our front desk a call at 613-730-0264, or pop by our office.

Thanks YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region!