Saturday, June 26, 2021

Saturday Stories: Vaccinating Kids, Ivermectin, and Novavax

Edward Nirenberg, Daniel A. Freedman, Risa Hoshino, Jonathan Howard, and Alastair McAlpine,  in BMJ Blogs, on vaccinating kids vs. COVID. 

Anna Merlan, in Vice, on the invermectin conspiracy mongers

Hilda Bastien, in The Atlantic, on why Novavax might be the best vaccine we've got. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Saturday Stories: Delta, Ventilation, and Childhood COVID

Jennifer Yang and Kenyon Wallace, in The Toronto Star, on how cities, provinces and countries awash in vaccines can still mess things up if they're not cautious with the Delta variant. 

Tavia Grant, in The Globe and Mail, on the need to address ventilation in workplaces.

Edward Nirenberg and Risa Hoshino, in Medpage Today, on COVID in childhood.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Saturday Stories: The Finish Line and Microchips

Jessica Smith-Cross, in QP Briefing, on Ontario's (and really everywhere's) COVID finish line

James Heathers, in The Atlantic, ponders whether or not he received a microchip in his COVID vaccine.