Wednesday, October 04, 2006


A new periodic feature on Weighty Matters will be Quobesity - quotes that in one way or another embody what's wrong and hopefully, occasionally, what's right with relation to our attitudes and knowledge about weight and weight related matters.

This quote comes from this past Sunday's Run for the Cure (for breast cancer research) where I'm proud to say that BMI won the Corporate Spirit Award by raising more money than any other team in Ottawa (not bad for a "corporation" with 5 full time employees) - we raised over $30,000!

As we were leaving the event some young teenagers working for McCain's were distributing their latest product - Smooth-EEZ, basically a just add milk and stir smoothie.

We asked them how many calories were in the servings and their response is today's Quobesity

"Oh not many! There's no sugar added - it's sweetened with honey!"
For the record, more calories drop per drop than Coca Cola.