Monday, May 28, 2012

Sick Kids Hospital Fights Childhood Obesity with Pizza, Onion Rings & Cake?

And gelatos, desserts at multiple restaurants, cookies at coffee shops, pub based fish and chips, massive sugary smoothies, and Chinese take out.

It's all part of their "Happy and Healthy Kids" campaign which according to their website, was launched because,
"Current trends are troubling. This is the first generation of children in modern history that may have a shorter lifespan than their parents because of child health issues like obesity."
So how is Sick Kids planning on fighting that?

By raising money.

And how are they going to do that?

By encouraging the ongoing normalization of eating out, supporting the health washing of junk food, and by providing consumers (including children and parents of children) further incentives not to actually cook.


What Sick Kids Foundation is doing - fighting childhood obesity by helping to sell junk food through cause marketing - it's akin to a cancer hospital fighting lung cancer by helping to sell cigarettes.

Except that cancer hospitals don't do that.  They don't because it would be unbelievably hypocritical and would encourage and excuse patently unhealthy behaviour.

They don't because it would be frankly inexcusable.